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Interested in working with us but didn't find an open job that suits your profile? Are you curious enough to find out more about what you can achieve when joining us?

Send us your CV and let us know what you are looking for. We will contact you as soon as a suitable opportunity arises!



We accept candidates with diverse background and we hire without discrimination for any characteristic protected by law (age, color, sex, etc). All curriculum Vitae's are treated with utmost confidentiality.


We offer:

- A vivid, dynamic working environment

- Both full time and part time job opportunities

- Constant training & development

- Opportunities for growth

- Attractive remuneration package matching your experience and profile

Please note that our company treats all data according to Law 4624/2019 and the European General Regulation for Data Protection (GDPR) 2016/679. We maintain and process these data with the sole purpose of examining your candidacy and communicating with you, and their recipients are exclusively those authorized for this purpose. By submitting your information you declare that it is true and accurate. Moreover, that you accept the retention of this data in our records for a period of one (1) year and that after this time, if you still wish to express your interest in working with us, you will have to submit it again. If you have any question or request in relation to the above you can submit it to: contact-DPO@fysikoaerioellados.gr

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