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Business Development Specialist Bio Process Solutions

With a background in life sciences, you are experienced in pharmaceutical process development or downstream processing, or other area of regulated manufacturing in medical devices, nutraceuticals, cosmetics or equivalent area.

You thrive in a competitive landscape and you have already developed a wide network of professionals in the industry. Alternatively, you are already an experienced sales executive in life science and biotechnology tools with special focus in one of the following areas: drug discovery, cell development, bioanalytical techniques, or industrial manufacturing, including academic and pharmaceutical clients.

You will join an experienced local team who will assist you in being successful and you will be trained at Sartorius, the leader in providing solutions for Life Science Research and the Biopharmaceutical Industry. You will be assisted by Sartorius experienced applications specialists and you will be reporting directly to Sartorius area management.

The exclusive package includes a competitive salary, company car with private use and a suite of remote access tools for communication & continuous training, as well as for liaising to customers and to order processing.

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Business Development Specialist Bio Process Solutions
πριν 18 μέρες
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